Dragon T-Rex, Thanagarian Warlords and Teen Titans
Dragon T-Rex. I had the great idea of mixing dinosaurs with dragons.
Thangarians, Hawkgirl's people, arrive on Earth to aid them against the menace of the Gordanians. But all is not what it seems. Here is the only shot reveling the Thanagarian Warlords.
Teen Titans...Go! Unfortunately since I never got to work on the show I thought I'll make my own pin up just for fun.
Two Face
I made this for one of the Lancelot Falk's famous sketchbooks back in 96'. I retouched it up a bit, I didn't really like my original version. Thank God for photoshop. The island is named after the mythological city of Themiscyra, the capital of the Amazon tribe in Greek mythology.
Baby Doll and Killer Croc
My first post on this Blog ever, oh boy! After seeing Killer Croc sentenced for his latest crime on TV, Mary Dahl, aka Baby Doll, feels a kindred bond to the criminal and frees him. After the gruesome duo go on a crime spree, Baby Doll learns that Croc is not very trust-worthy. I made this for a Gotham paper.