/And here it is, my first poster rough design for Terranova.
Too bad Spielberg came up with a Sci Fi TV show also called Terra Nova. I'm going to have to change the name now. The way I see it, a chance to come up with a better name...
My Terranova it's a live action epic science fiction film I've been developing for the past 10 years on my free time.
I wrote the script's final draft with some help from Ben Chiang. I also penciled a story board action sequence and design all the characters for this epic film.
It's been very difficult finding time to invest on my own film since I'm always busy working for FOX or WB. So far I managed to finish my script (yes it's registered), do some boards, designs, a story treatment with a synopsis, a bible and a short quicktime slide show teaser with all of the above.
Most of the backgrounds I collected from the internet and of course the rights belong to their respective owners. Whenever the film goes into production they will be all re-design anyway.
Subsequently you must sign a non disclosure agreement before you are exposed to this original material. Terranova it's my baby, I'm not taking any chances.
Up until now a small elite had access to it. Ever since Paul Dini made a very positive comment about it, I know I got something real good in my hands. I like to think of Terranova as a franchise gold mine.
All I can tell you without giving anything away it's that my film has it all. A good story, interesting characters, lots of FX, robots, mutants, five dimensional aliens, alien animals, space ships, Agartheans, mutated animals, action, philosophy, spirituality and adventure. Did I leave anything out?
This Photoshop collage poster it's the result of a sleepless night. Some of the art it's copyright psxextreme.com, www.dragos.org, www.xurge3d.com and the space ships are by Sliver. The rest it's all by me.
I know it seems like a lot of celebrities for my casting choices, but hey...there is a multicast mega budget Sci Fi epic film for ya.
Not too bad for my first "none drawn art" post in my Blog.