Shrinking Violet
Shrinking Violet (Salu Digby), also known as Atom Girl, is a superhero and Legion of Super-Heroes member in the DC Universe's 30th and 31st centuries. She comes from the planet Imsk. She was created by writer Jerry Siegel, the co-creator of Superman, and artist Jim Mooney. She has the power to shrink to tiny size, as do all Imsk natives. Originally, she could only shrink (down to subatomic sizes, if necessary). In the post-Zero Hour reboot, the Emerald Eye bestows her with Leviathan's power to grow to giant sizes as well. She's very smart and has a close relationship with Brainiac 5.
I hope the blur fx depict the character using her abilities clear enough.
It's been a while since I had time to keep drawing Legion characters. Not only I was sick for some time, things got extra behind an crazy-er than usual over the Simpsons where I'm currently a character designer. None of that helped me on my never-ending quest of drawing every Legion character ever created. It feels good to get back into it and draw whatever the hell I feel like doing. Maybe that's why I felt like redesigning this character slightly different from the actual existent designs.
I modified the BG that was originally created by the talented Sebastian Schröder Inspired by concept art for Mass Effect 2.