
Teela Spuunvll hails from her native home world of Abaddonus. She has the ability to absorb energy and change it from one form to another, for example sound to light and gamma rays to electricity.
She was rejected from the Legion of Super Heroes because her powers only work if she can have energy available for her to become dangerous. Otherwise, she is vulnerable to somebody like Turtle, who can just punch her. The Legion had an idea for Sizzle, Turtle and Night Girl to become the charter members of the new auxiliar organization called the Legion Reserves. The BG it's called Eye of the Storm by Gabriel Bjork Stiernstrom. 
Yup, I'm still drawing Legion characters. You should know by now what The Legion of Super Heroes is from looking at my Blog. Otherwise that would mean you never read any of the posts or you just don't care...